Lesson 1: Workflow organization

Appropriate for: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Career-switcher
Prerequisites: None
You will learn:
- How to use the workflow organizer
- What information to enter and why
- What aspects the workflow organizer can manage
Lesson 2: Pipedrive

Appropriate for: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Career-switcher
Prerequisites: None
You will learn:
- How to set up Pipedrive for a translation/interpretation workflow
- How to use Pipedrive to visually manage your project stages so you ALWAYS know your project statuses
- Never forget a deadline again!
Lesson 3: Scheduling google calendar

Appropriate for: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Career-switcher
Prerequisites: None
You will learn:
- How to create a separate work calendar through Google Calendar
- How to schedule jobs and use the provided fields in the most optimal way
- How to reschedule jobs when life (or more work) happens